Safety Management System FRACAS

FavoWeb Safety Management System

With the expected growth in air transportation, there is a need to make greater efforts and adopt new measures to continue improving aviation safety.
The use of Safety Management Systems (SMS) at airports can contribute to this effort by helping airports detect and correct safety problems before they result in aircraft accidents or incidents.


Safety Management System in Airports

Safety Management System in Aviation Industry 

Leading regulatory aviation agencies declared guidelines for the establishment of SMS at airports:

ICAOICAO Annex 14:

"A systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policy and procedures" 

FAA FAA AC 150/5200-37

 "Formal business like approach to managing safety risk. It includes systematic procedures, practices and policies for the management of safety"


SMS Structure by ICAO

Safety Management system structure by ICAO

Main Goals of Safety Management Process

1. Identify possible hazards with significant risk of an accident, injury or damage
2. Select appropriate corrective action to eliminate this risk or to reduce it to acceptable levels
3. Monitor the corrective action undertaken and test its efficiency

An important element of each SMS is establishing a formal reporting procedure within the airline management that will enable the senior management to:

  • Monitor the level of safety performance that is being achieved throughout the organization.
  • Be aware of all of the possible threats or risks.
  • Take appropriate corrective action to minimize those risks.

This requires the availability of operational data and means for analyzing this data.

FavoWeb FRACAS software meets the 4 basic requirements provided by any Safety Management System:

Safety Management System by FRACAS FavoWeb


Collection and Management of Operational Data

FavoWeb FRACAS functionality and configuration allow for uniform and easy data collection. Forms are flexible and allow our customer to identify fields or data to be collected and tracked. FavoWeb FRACAS is user friendly and wherever possible implements on "point-and-click" technique, so that data collection becomes easy and therefore accurate. This also facilitates analysis and reporting since "free-text" input is minimized.

Analysis of the Data

FavoWeb FRACAS offers numerous reliability and statistics trending reports combined with the flexible query mechanism.

Risk Assessment

ALD RAM Commander's Safety Assessment Software Module implements tasks of qualitative and quantitative safety assessment required during system development:
• Generation and verification of safety requirements
• Identification of all relevant failure conditions
• Consideration of all significant combinations of failures causing failure conditions
• Generation of output reports starting from the stage of Functional Hazard Analysis (FHA/PHA) and ending with the System Safety Assessment (SSA) verifying that the design meets safety requirements.

Corrective Action Effectiveness Assessment

FavoWeb FRACAS Corrective Actions (CA) module provides full support for all corrective action activities: CA definition, implementation, verification and follow-up, documentation of the entire process and measuring the efficiency of the proposed CA with the help of special metrics.

This mechanism offers 2 options:
• Existing Corrective Action Mechanism: from CA identification, FRB/MRB decision making and follow-up to CA implementation
• Modified CA mechanism tailored to the requirements

Flight Incident Report

 Flight Incident Report


See also: