Thermal Activities for Project Phases
Thermal Design
Thermal Modeling
ALD's thermal management team has been a dependable source for the thermal design of electronic systems services since ALD establishment. Our thermal experts combine deep knowledge of heat transfer and thermodynamics with sophisticated usage of the thermal analysis software. This combination ensures accuracy and innovation in the thermal management of the most complicated electronic project.
Thermal Activities for Project Phases
ALD's thermal management team provides answers for the entire scope of thermal activities for all phases of your project serving as one source for execution and implementation of all thermal tasks. Being a part of the ALD reliability division, our thermal specialists integrate thermal management with reliability analysis ensuring cost-effective solution for design of electronic systems from both thermal and reliability points of view.
We perform the thermal analysis/simulation to estimate temperature rise in different parts of the product and to identify any possible impairment of reliability caused by excessive heat.
Thermal Activities for Project Phases
ALD's thermal management team provides answers for the entire scope of thermal activities for all phases of your project serving as one source for execution and implementation of all thermal tasks. Being a part of the ALD reliability division, our thermal specialists integrate thermal management with reliability analysis ensuring cost-effective solution for design of electronic systems from both thermal and reliability points of view.
We perform the thermal analysis/simulation to estimate temperature rise in different parts of the product and to identify any possible impairment of reliability caused by excessive heat.
The thermal analysis focuses on:
• Identifying points of weakness in thermal/mechanical design (hot spots)
• Looking for zones of stagnation (low cooling efficiency).
• Identifying thermally overstressed components (junction temperature exceeding established value)
Results of the thermal analysis serve as an input to mechanical and electrical design improvements, reliability prediction and stress analysis.
As output we provide Components thermal stress data, color pictures and movies of thermal and airflow distribution, recommendations for design changes.
Thermal Design
Our thermal management experts will ensure that your thermal requirements are met from the very beginning of a project. We offer cost effective solution for design and optimization of electronic cooling systems.
Outsourcing of our thermal team allows you to meet all your thermal design needs in a short time and with low cost.
Thermal Modeling
Thermal modeling is the most reliable way for decision-making during design. Thermal modeling answers the questions about airflow and temperature distribution, size and number of the fans, influence of the configuration changes and failures of fans. ALD's thermal management experts use the world leading FLOTHERM software for the full 3-dimensional simulation of convective, conductive, and radiative heat transfer characteristics of your system's critical components.