SR332 - Telcordia Issue 3

Issue 3 of SR-332, Reliability Prediction Procedure for Electronic Equipment, replaces Issue 2, and is a module of FD-ARPP-01 and FR-RELIABILITY-QUALITY-01.

Reliability prediction is an important element in the process of selecting equipment. This prediction provides necessary input to system-level reliability modes for predicting expected downtime per year and system availability.

Issue 3 of SR-332 provides all the tools needed for predicting device and unit hardware reliability. The Telcordia Reliability Prediction Procedure has a long and distinguished history of use within and outside the telecommunications industry. Issue 3 of SR-332 provides the only hardware reliability prediction procedure developed from the input and participation of a cross-section of major industrial companies. This lends the procedure and the predictions derived from it a high level of credibility free from the bias of any individual supplier or service provider.

Issue 3 of SR-332 contains recommended methods for predicting device and unit hardware reliability. These techniques estimate the mean failure rate in FITs for electronic equipment. This procedure also documents a recommended method for predicting serial system hardware reliability. Issue 3 of SR-332 contains tables needed to facilitate the calculation of reliability predictions. Issue 3 of SR-332 contains new data for fiber optic transceivers, hard drives, and ferrite beads. Issue 3 of SR-332 contains revised generic device failure rates in Section 8, based mainly on new data for many components. Issue 3 of SR-332 contains an extended range of complexity for devices. Issue 3 of SR-332 contains updated formulas and FIT rates for integrated circuits. Issue 3 of SR-332 contains new temperature curves for miscellaneous devices. Issue 3 of SR-332 contains clarified definitions regarding operating temperatures. Issue 3 of SR-332 contains a new level to the environmental factor to account for a frequently used deployment technique and clarity for various component names.

The software reliability packages referred to in SR332 Telcordia Issue 3 are software tools that implement these models and methods. These packages provide a range of features for software reliability analysis, including:
* Failure data analysis and prediction
* Reliability growth modeling and prediction
* Estimation of software reliability metrics such as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Failure Intensity (FI)
* Design and analysis of software test plans
* Software fault and error tracking

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