RAM Commander V8.2 Service Pack 2

May 2012

ALD Software announces the release of the new Service Pack of its Reliability & Safety Software tool RAM Commander version 8.2 SP2.  
Some of the Major Improvements and New Features:
Telcordia SR-332 Issue 3
Component Library - 51,000 new electronic components were added (the total number of components in the library is 462,080)

The new SP2 provides many improvements and new features in the Reliability prediction module, Safety module, FMECA, FTA and more

RAM Commander 8.2 Service Pack 2 is ready and available online.
Existing customers should receive the download instructions by email
Please contact us for more information This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read more about our Reliability & Safety toolkit RAM Commander