Process and Design FMEA software tool performs Process/Design Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.
The uniqueness of the RAM Commander's approach to Process/Design FMEA is reflected in the graphical presentation of the process flow or product design diagram.

Basic Tasks Supported by the Process & Design FMEA Module
• Decompose the system or process into components or sub-processes.
• For each functional block, define name & function, enter failure mode causes and effects manually or from the libraries.
• Process & Design FMEA module provides full graphical and textual visibility of the Potential Failure Mode => Cause => Effects chain
What is A Potential Failure Mode?
The manner in which a component, subsystem, or system could potentially fail to meet the design intent. The potential failure mode could also be the cause of a potential failure mode in a higher level subsystem or system, or be the effect of a potential failure.

Edit cause dialog contains corrective actions and RPN (risk priority number)
RAM Commander FMEA module contains also Decision Making support for possible recommended corrective actions brainstorming, recording and selection.
Proposed corrective actions are recorded, prioritized using different criteria and selected:
• Compliant with AIAG and QS-9000 PFMEA
• Supports the concurrent updating of FMEA documents
• Compliant with safety and hazard analysis standards
• Assures isolation and elimination of all critical failure modes & causes
• Facilitates processing of experts' occurrence and detection assessments
• Decision Making support for Corrective Actions
• Embedded drawing tool for process flowchart/part mapping
• Multiple analysis levels (Sub-FMEAs)
• Corrective actions evaluation by Feasibility, Cost, Duration, Risk etc.
• Data transfer from FMECA
• Automatically build FTA from FMEA
• Team work - Severity, Occurrence and Detection ranking by multiple team members, manually or using wireless voting devices.
• Supports the concurrent updating of FMEA documents
• Compliant with safety and hazard analysis standards
• Assures isolation and elimination of all critical failure modes & causes
• Facilitates processing of experts' occurrence and detection assessments
• Decision Making support for Corrective Actions
• Embedded drawing tool for process flowchart/part mapping
• Multiple analysis levels (Sub-FMEAs)
• Corrective actions evaluation by Feasibility, Cost, Duration, Risk etc.
• Data transfer from FMECA
• Automatically build FTA from FMEA
• Team work - Severity, Occurrence and Detection ranking by multiple team members, manually or using wireless voting devices.
FMEA/FMECA approaches overview
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